My day has been so hectic! I have been chasing a kid who we caught dealing drugs. It never ceases to amaze me how often kids take up after their friends. My parents told me it would be tough, they said, “Alex, being Drug Law enforcement officer will be the toughest thing you've ever done!" I took the job anyways because I wanted to stop kids like this one from a whole life of crime and drugs.
His friends started a drug ring and pressured him into joining as far as we know. I wish kids didn't do crap like this. His record before this is clean so I think he is a good kid but he just got mixed up with the wrong people. That’s how a lot of druggies start. But we won’t let him get that far. My partner and I have been driving around looking for him. I hate just driving around because it makes me feel unproductive.
I was chasing him earlier but he knocked over some trashcans behind him and I had some quality time with the concrete. OUCH! I had to get bandages for my head and now we’re back out. We had better find that kid or all of my effort would have been for nothing. We picked up some food and now are cruising around looking for him. If he is smart he will stay off the streets. But then again he is dealing drugs, so he ain't exactly Einstein.
I think we just passed him. My partner Pierce is on foot chasing him and the kid is running through an alley. I’m going to drive around to the other end of the alley to cut off the guy. We just ended up in the projects and I have called for backup. The boy we were just chasing has run into a house. BOOM! His father just stormed out with a shotgun and is pointing it straight at us. He hasn't lowered it and we are trying to negotiate. And that is where we are currently and where this picture is taken from.
I am so scared for my life. In my years of enforcement my life has never been in such severe danger. A GUY IS AIMING A SHOTGUN AT ME! I feel so out in the open. This whole career I have fought against drugs on my own turf, but now I am in the projects with my partner and some backup. This is the last place I would ever want to be! Why did I pick this job?